Salsa Training from Beginners to Advanced
What are your dance goals?
Do you want to be skilled and confident enough to go out social dancing and feel great, look awesome, and be a dancer others love dancing with?
Maybe you want to dance on stage in front of hundreds of cheering spectators, or enter a competition with some of the best dancers?
Or maybe you'd love to learn enough to one day share your talent with the world, and teach others how to dance?
No matter what your goals are now, and however they change along the way, we are here to help and support you on our journey.
Everything you need to become a complete salsa dancer.
Social Dancing, Shines, Performances, Competitions, Musicality, Body Movement, On1 and On2, taught by some of Australia's most experienced instructors.
Which classes can I take?
Weekly Classes.
6pm Free Bachata Beginners (60 mins)
630pm Bachata Level 1.5 (60 mins)
730pm Bachata Lvl 2 (60 mins)
6pm Free Beginner Salsa (60 mins)
630pm Salsa Level 1.5 (60 mins)
730pm Salsa Level 2 (60 mins)
6pm Free Beginner Salsa (60 mins)
630pm Salsa Level 1.5 (60 mins)
730pm Salsa Level 2 (60 mins)
Learn a routine and perform in full costume at socials, festivals, or our showcase.
There is no buzz like walking offstage after smashing a performance!
Choreograph and perfect a routine to compete against other dancers at local, national, and international competitions!
Be coached by champions who have coached champions!
Become a professional dance teacher, either as a full time career or as a passion!
Learn how to teach, attract and retain students!
Want to dance without a partner?
Come check out the Shines program and see how the best dancers in the world do their shines!
The most comprehensive program we've ever discovered, on how to hear the different elements in a song, and how to apply the right dance moves to the right music!
Take all your Salsa on1 moves and convert them to Salsa on2 / Mambo / New York style!
Not sure what level you are?
Every school defines their class levels a little differently. Read more below to figure out which level is right for you. And if you're still not sure, no problems, come and check out a class and one of our staff can recommend the right one for you!
SALSA Level 1.5
Level 1.5 teaches the fundamentals of the Cross Body Lead, with 7 different variations over 4 weeks.
Our 4-week progressive course is great for transitioning to higher levels! Ideally, you’ve done our beginners class, or approx. 1 month elsewhere.
To ensure we can balance the male:female ratio please book your place. Spots fill up fast – book online to avoid disappointment.
- $59 for a 4 class pass + LA FIESTA Salsa Party! (subject to restrictions)

Time to step it up a notch! The Level 2 Salsa course runs for 6 x 4 week series, totalling 24 different weeks. It’s designed so that you can join any time, while the classes in each Salsa Level 2 series are related, they’re independent so you won’t be too disadvantaged if you join late or come and go throughout the 24 weeks.
We recommend everyone do the 24 weeks all the way through once, at the very minimum, twice if you really want to get it, and more if you want to master it!
- $69 for a 4 class pass
- membership options ranging from $45-59 per month
SALSA Level 3
Got your basics down pat? Ready to start putting together combinations of moves and hit the dance floor? Level 3 Salsa Class will help you get there! Boys are required to pass an assessment to enter this level, as these combinations require a safe, clear lead.
The Salsa Level 3 class runs for 24 weeks total, covering turn pattern combinations that can be used on the dance floor! To complete this level, boys are expected to be able to lead safely and clearly, and dance on time to the music!
*Assessment required for this level
- $89 for 4 class pass
- membership options ranging from $69-79 per month

Private Lessons
Take your Dancing to the Next Level by booking a Private Lesson!
More Info About Private Lessons